
modern smart home

Cutting Costs: How Smart Installations Lead to Savings

Cutting Costs: How Smart Installations Lead to Savings Even though smart homes and various dedicated solutions are becoming more and more readily available, it still sounds like something straight out of a science fiction movie to many. We immediately think of some fancy hi-tech budget-swallowing black holes. Voice commands, apps, eye scanners, and futuristic home …

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Smart home security

Stay Safe – Turn Your Home Into Smart Fortress

Stay Safe – Turn Your Home Into Smart Fortress In today’s day and age, smart home solutions are becoming an increasingly popular commodity, probably thanks to the comfort, efficiency, and convenience they offer. It’s all true. But the benefits of home automation don’t just stop there. It’s not just about having fancy gadgets, the so-called …

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home cinema LED lighting

Cinema room design: lighting, accessories, decor and more!

Cinema room designLighting, accessories, decor and ideas What you’ll read about in this article: With such a wide variety of streaming services and platforms available at our fingertips, conventional cinemas are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Instead, movie buffs around the world try to enhance their watching experience, browsing through the web to …

Cinema room design: lighting, accessories, decor and more! Read More »

modern smart home inside

2022 home automation trends

2022 home automation trends New technologies Recently, we have seen many products come onto the home automation market that support already existing technologies, such as Amazon Alexa, Google and Apple HomeKit. Many wonder whether these new inventions actually take away from traditional home automation systems. In short – yes, but that’s not necessarily for the …

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phone screen lighting automation

Crestron vs. Control4 – what’s the best option for your smart home?

Crestron vs. Control4 – what’s the best option for your smart home? Crestron and Control4 are both leading systems for controlling your smart home. They can provide you with the highest level of convenience and simplicity in your home life. The systems are crafted to equip your household with the most up-to-date technology and solutions, …

Crestron vs. Control4 – what’s the best option for your smart home? Read More »

office smart environment

Benefits of lighting automation in an office

Benefits of lighting automation in an office Lighting automation offers various advantages beyond just illuminating your office space. These convenient solutions can increase your comfort, limit electricity bills or even boost your employees’ productivity. Save energy and lower your office’s carbon footprint Office lighting automation allows us to significantly limit monthly electricity use without compromising …

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